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Solo Recorder Sheet Music

Browse our large selection of solo recorder music by recorder, arrangement and/or period. We are always adding new music and publications but if you can't find what you're looking for, or would like some advice please don't hesitate to contact our sheet music specialists in London!
  • Various: The Baroque Solo Book

    London Pro Musica
    The Essential 18th-Century Unaccompanied Repertoire for Alto Recorder. A must have book in any recorder player's collection!
  • van Eyck: Der Fluyten Lust-hof for Descant Recorder - Volume 1

    Jacob van Eyck's Der Fluyten Lust-hof is the largest work in European history written for wind instruments. With themes and variations of the day, it is essential repertoire as well as being excellent study material!
  • 'Recorder for Beginners: The Tudor Way!' by Paul Harris (Pupil's Book)

    Jaywood Press
    Recorder for Beginners: The Tudor Way! by Paul Harris – the brand new recorder tutor from Jaywood Press. “If you’d like a method from the beginning, but really firmly in the early music tradition, then this is a very nice place to start” – Sarah Jeffery, Team Recorder "The recorder has, for centuries, been one of the world’s most popular instruments. It was born in medieval times but was extremely popular in Tudor times — King Henry VIII was a very keen player! So, in keeping with the recorder’s popularity in those times, here is a new and fun tutor set (almost entirely) in those wonderfully colourful Tudor times. It takes the recorder player from absolute beginner to about Grade 1 standard. Along this engaging journey, players will meet many characters and experiences from Tudor times and a number of works by contemporary composers (and some maybe just a little bit later, too). The book is written to be for individual, group or class teaching and for all ages. If you’re about to begin this book, I hope you’ll find it most entertaining and enjoyable and I also hope it will initiate an exciting new experience for a great number of new recorder players." – Paul Harris Click here to view the accompanying Teacher's Book. Downloadable backing tracks and demonstration recordings are included Educational Discounts! When ordering 20 or more Triebert soprano recorders, Triebert alto recorders, or 'Recorder from the Beginning: The Tudor Way' books, a 10% discount will automatically be applied to your cart. Best of all, you can mix and match as much as you like! Click here to see all items available in this offer.
  • Heyens: Advanced Recorder Technique, Vol. 1

    Advanced Recorder Technique is a must-have 2 volume collection for all recorder players! Volume 1 focusses on Finger and Tongue Technique: Finger Movements Articulation Scales / Arpeggios / Chromatic Scales Scales and Arpeggios in chromatic sequence Scales in Thirds Smooth Double Tonguing Virtuoso Technique in all Keys Broken Chords Trills Finger Vibrato (flattement) Double Tonguing with "did'll" Fingering Chart These books include musical examples for the alto (treble) recorder, but the tonguing and ornamentation techniques are for all sizes of recorder! Volume 2 on Breathing and Sound Technique
  • van Eyck: Der Fluyten Lust-hof for Descant Recorder - Volume 2

    Jacob van Eyck's Der Fluyten Lust-hof is the largest work in European history written for wind instruments. With themes and variations of the day, it is essential repertoire as well as being excellent study material!
  • Bruggen: Five Studies for Finger Control

    Broekmans & Poppel
    These 5 studies by Frans Brueggen are essential for any serious recorder player. They are well composed and can be used as performance pieces as well as for technical study.
  • Various: 50 Graded Studies for Recorder (descant)

    50 Graded Studies for Recorder brings together a broad range of repertoire spanning three centuries. Placing pieces by de Boismortier next to specially composed pieces by Sally Adams and Paul Harris, the book is progressive and studies are arranged in order of difficulty spanning from a preparatory level to Grade 5 standard.
  • Hauwe: The Modern Recorder Player (Volume 1)

    The Modern Recorder Player is a 3 volume collection by famous recorder teacher Walter van Hauwe. All musical examples and fingerings are for the alto (treble) recorder, but the principles and techniques are essential for playing on all recorders! Volume 1 focusses on correct posture and breathing, fingering and tongue technique. Get the complete collection with Volume 2 & Volume 3 . Volume 1 Contents: Part I: How to Hold the Recorder 1. the Right Hand 2. The Left Hand 3. The Lips 4. The Fair Distribution of the Weight Part II: How to Move the Fingers 1. The Movement Itself 2. The Right Hand 3. The Left Hand 4. The "Half-holes" 5. The Left Thumb 6. Which Fingers Do What? 7. Table of Fingerings 8. Exploring Combinations of Fingers Part III: About Breathing 1. Inhalation 2. Exhalation 3. How to Hold the Air Part IV: About Articulation 1. The consonants 2. The Position of the Tongue with Single T and D 3. double Tonguing with T and D 4. Double Tonguing with More than Two Syllables 5. Legato-Portato-Staccato 6. The Consonants K and G
  • van Eyck: Der Fluyten Lust-hof for Descant Recorder - Volume 3

    Jacob van Eyck's Der Fluyten Lust-hof is the largest work in European history written for wind instruments. With themes and variations of the day, it is essential repertoire as well as being excellent study material!
  • The Living History Tune Book: Book 1 - Volume 1 Medieval 12th - 14th Centuries

    Piper's Publishing
    Medieval – Vol I 12th – 14th Centuries Living History Tune Books Jane Moulder has researched and published this highly successful series of tune books which have been designed to give an introduction to the music of each period. Containing background information on instruments, musicians and performance practices of the period. They contain predominantly dance tunes and are suitable for a range of melody instruments. Tunes in this volume are: Kalenda Maya, Ce fu en Mai, Brid one Brere, Vos n’aler, Sumer is Icumen In, Ductia, Estampie, Ductia, La Quinte Estampie Real, Angelus ad Virginam, Saltarello, Lamento di Tristano, La Rotta di Tristano, Saltarello, Trotto, La Manfredina, La Rotta della Manfredina, Czaldy Waldy.
  • Heyens: Advanced Recorder Technique, Vol. 2

    Advanced Recorder Technique is a must-have 2 volume collection for all recorder players! Volume 2 focusses on Breathing and Sound: Physical Sensitivity Becoming Aware of Breathing Diaphragm Awareness - Breathing Exercises (without the recorder) Breathing Exercises (with the recorder) Breath Support ("flexible Tension") Exercises for Sound Vibrato Phrasing and Breathing Suggestions for Note-Shaping in Examples from the Repertoire These books include musical examples for the alto (treble) recorder, but the breathing and sound techniques are for all sizes of recorder! Volume 1 on Finger and Tongueing Technique
  • £14.99
  • The Living History Tune Book: Book 1 - Volume 2 Medieval 12th - 15th Centuries

    Piper's Publishing
    Medieval – Vol II 12th – 15th Centuries Living History Tune Books Jane Moulder has researched and published this highly successful series of tune books which have been designed to give an introduction to the music of each period. Containing background information on instruments, musicians and performance practices of the period. They contain predominantly dance tunes and are suitable for a range of melody instruments. Tunes in this volume are: A l’entrada del tens clar, Amoroso, Anello, Fille a Marier, Helas Madame, Beaulte, Bring us in good ale, Cantigas No 37, 42, 57, 100, 159, 353, Cuncti Simus, Danca Amoroso and Troto, Der Newe Pawir Schwantz, Dindiridin, Dit le Burguygon, Douce Dame Jolie, Ductia, Edi Beo Thu, Eglamour, Esperans, Ghaetta, Ingrata, La Danse de Cleves, La Francousie Nouvelle, La Pernette, La Quatre, Las Seste and La Tierche Estampies Royal, Le Gelosia, Los Set Goyts, Lys Beus Distonys, Miri it is, Pan de Miglio, Pavanna alla Ferrarese, Petit Riense, Piva alla Ferrerese, Polurum Regina, Rostibolli Gioso, Saltarello, Saltarello alla Venetiana, Souvent Souspir, Stella Splendens, Visin, Voltatie in Ca Eosina, Winter wie is nu dein kraft.
  • Various: 50 Old Airs and Dances from Scotland and Ireland

    A collection of 50 Old Airs from Scotland and Ireland, compiled by Constance Mullins. This delightful collection is for the descant/soprano recorder and works excellently on the tenor recorder. Contents: Skye Boat Song Highland Laddie Aiken Drum O can ye sew cushions For a that and a that Turn ye to me Fisherman’s Song This is no my ain plaid Glenlogie Ho ro my nut brown maiden Joy of my Heart Kilt thy coat Maggie My faithful fond one O Boatman Thi Irish hautboy Shule Agra A Trumpet Air The unfortunate Rake The nut The White Cockade Corn Riggs Meg Merrilees Glen Lyon Fairy Dance Mrs. McLeod Werna ma hert licht I wad dee Leezie Lindsay John Anderson my Jo My love is like a red red rose Through the lang muir Come o’er the stream Charlie The Lea Rigg Willie was a wantan wag The Oysterwives rant Apple Praities Lango lee The moon and seven stars The rakes of Frishmen The humours of Comer Judy O’Brallaghan The rollicking Irishman The Gobbie-O The Haymakers The Flowers of Edinburgh Petronella The Mulindhu Miss Stewart of Fasnacloich Lady Doune The Duke of Perth Sweet Molly
  • Various: Baroque Recorder Anthology, Vol. 1 (Online Material)

    This anthology contains pieces by seventeenth- and eighteenth-century composers in a variety of different styles. The repertoire includes works by major composers such as Telemann and Purcell as well as lesser-known composers including, amongst others, Daquin, van Eyck, Hotteterre, and Lully. This collection is ideal for recorder teachers looking for additional repertoire for their teaching practice as well as for developing players looking to expand their repertoire, and for use in school or music centre concerts. J. Hotteterre: Branle Menuet J.S. Bach: Mir hahn en neue Oberkeet J. Blow: Bourrée H. Purcell: March J.-B. Lully: Rondeau J.van Eyck: Onder de linde groene J. Playford: The British Toper L.C. Daquin: Rigaudon J.van Eyk: De zoete zoomer tijden G.F. Händel: Menuett F.P. Telemann: Rigaudon Menuet Anon:: Vain Belinde Don't You Tickle Country Bumpkin M. Peerson: The Fall of the Leafe J. Fischer: Bourrée Anon. Scottish Reel: Fairy Dance Anon. Scottish Jig: The Gobbie-O Anon. French: L'Inconnu Contredance Gentille R. North: Masquerade Royale North's Maggot J. Hook: Menuet & Trio H. Purcell: Air J.-B. Lully: Minuet H. Purcell: Hornpipe
  • Barlow (ed.): The Complete Country Dance Tunes from Playford’s Dancing Master

    FM Distribution
    The Complete Country Dance Tunes from Playford's The Dancing Master is the classic compendium of English country dance tunes. First published in 1651 it went through eighteen editions in almost 80 years. In its day it was the most popular collection of its kind and engendered numerous imitations. The tunes selected by Playford and his successors were taken from many sources and demonstrate the extraordinary richness and vitality of popular melody in England during the late 17th and early 18th centuries. This book brings together, for the first time under one cover, 535 tunes and their variants from the eighteen original editions. It provides a fund of musical material for performers, whether folk musicians or baroque instrumentalists, and for class and instrumental music teachers. It is also an invaluable reference book for anyone interested in the history of English music.
  • Bali: A Baroque Ornamentation Tutor for Recorder

    Edition Budapest
    The author of this volume, the outstanding Hungarian baroque flute and recorder player János Bali, has undertaken no less than to provide a guide for bewildered recorder players; teachers and students, amateurs and professional musicians alike; faced with the extremely intriguing but difficult question: How should baroque pieces be ornamented? The answers are given by contemporary musicians themselves; the collection contains only contemporary ornaments (and richly ornamented pieces and movements) selected from the repertoire of the period between 1550 and 1760, that is, from the late Renaissance, through the various national styles of early and mature baroque, right up to rococo. In the score the original melody of each work or movement and several different ornamented versions of the same melody can be found one below the other, thus the various possible modes of ornamentation can easily be compared. In the extremely valuable and informative introductory study, János Bali provides a basic historical survey of the subject and offers useful practical advice to musicians using the collection; at the end of the volume he includes, almost in their entirety, the tables of ornamentation compiled by G. L. Conforto (1693) and J. J. Quantz (1752).
  • Hauwe: The Modern Recorder Player (Volume 2)

    The Modern Recorder Player is a 3 volume collection by famous recorder teacher Walter van Hauwe. All musical examples and fingerings are for the alto (treble) recorder, but the principles and techniques are essential for playing on all recorders! Volume 2 focusses on scales and arpeggios, trills and articulation technique & advanced breathing and vibrato. Complete your collection with Volume 1 & Volume 3. Volume 2 Contents: Part I: About Scales and Arpeggios: Intervals Major Scales Interval Scales Minor Scales Church Modes Chromatic Scales and Other Variations Speeding Up Arpeggios Appendix for Advanced Players Part II: About Trills: The Function of Trills The Basic Movement of the Fingers How to Blow During a Trill The Measured or Chain Trill The "Rubato" Trill With or Without a Turn On or Before the Beat Alternative and Special Fingerings for Trills Trill-turn Fingerings Part III: About Vibrato: How to Produce Vibrato The Larynx Vibrato Technique The Position of the Cheeks and Lips Tempo Variations of the Vibrato Wave Vibrato Used to Suggest Dynamics Finger-Vibrato Some Practical Examples Part IV: More About Articulation: "Hidden" Articulation Articulaton as the Main Element Articulation and the Limitations of the Recorder Some Notorious Articulation Problems Some Special Early Music Articulations Articulations on Different Types of Recorder
  • Watts: Red Hot Recorder Tutor Book 1

    Kevin Mayhew
    A fun, accessible recorder tutor for primary school pupils.
  • Bowman (ed.): English Folk Tunes for Recorder

    'English Folk Tunes for Descant Recorder' is a collection of 62 arrangements for descant recorder, of traditional tunes including a range of styles such as Ballads, Hornpipes, Jigs and more. Experienced recorder player and co-author of the Baroque Recorder Anthology series, and Fun and Games with the Recorder series amongst others, Peter Bowman provides notes on all of the styles covered, as well as individual pieces. The volume is accompanied by a recording of all tunes performed by Kathryn Bennetts. German and French translations of all texts are available as pdf downloads from the Schott Music website as well as MP3 play-along tracks. Suitable for players of grades 3-8.
  • Telemann: 12 Fantasias for Treble Recorder

    This arrangement of Telemann’s “Twelve Fantasias” for treble recorder is based on Barenreiter's edition for solo flute. With the exception of Nos 4, 5 & 12 which were transposed up a fourth for the recorder, all other fantasias are transposed up a third following a technique often used in the 18th Century. The Fantasias for flute without bass address themselves less to the virtuoso than to the amateur flutist, who will find everything he wishes in these pieces. Although Telemann himself may have lost track of his works, the many flutists who have perfected their technique and musical interpretation with the help of these lovely Fantasias will never forget them.
  • Staeps: The Daily Lesson

    Universal Edition
    UE36968 Exercises for advancing players of the treble recorder
  • J. S. Bach: Cello Suites 1-3 transcribed for Alto Recorder

    ZO2100176 Bach's infamous cello suites transcribed for Alto recorder by Frans Brueggen. This edition is in the bass clef. Suite I BWV1007 Suite II BWV1008 Suite III BWV1009 These also provide a great challenge for bass players!