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Solo Violin, Viola & Cello

  • Baroque String Playing for Ingenious Learners by Judy Tarling

    All you ever wanted to know about performing early music, but were afraid to ask. Well, fear no more. Subtitled . . . for ingenious learners . . . . this is a landmark publication that sets out in meticulous detail the many varied skills required for playing string music from the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries. It will be required reading for amateurs and professionals alike. In a lucid and practical style, Judy Tarling has distilled 30 years of experience in playing chamber and orchestral music of the period, and her brilliantly researched book sets out all the finest points with copious quotations from dozens of historical sources. All bowed string instruments are dealt with; there is extensive information about playing basso continuo and a host of other important topics. Subjects discussed in the book: Affect, articulation, bow vibrato, bow-hold, bowings, buying Baroque equipment, the 'cello, chords, consort style, continuo instrument choice, dance, dissonance, divisions, dotted notes, double bass, double stopping, dynamics, editions, ensembles, facsimiles, figured bass, fingering choice, harmony, holding the instrument, identifying French & Italian style, inequality, intervals, messa di voce , ornamentation, pitch, position changing, publishers, range, recitative, repeats, rhetoric, rhythm, rubato, rules, scordatura, signs, slurs, speed, staccato, strings, temperament, tempo, time signatures, treatises, tuning, the viola, vibrato, violone. Musical examples by: L'Abbé le fils - Bach - Biber - Bonporti - Caccini - Castello - Cima - Corelli - Corrette - Couperin - Feuillet - Geminiani - Gibbons - Handel - Leclair - Locke - Lully - Marais - Mattheson - Matteis - Mealli - L. Mozart - Muffat - Ortiz - Piani - Playford - Purcell - Quantz - Rameau - Schmelzer - Simpson - Tartini - Walther - Westhoff - Veracini - Vivaldi - Zanetti.
  • Introducing...The Vielle: A Practical Start to the Instrument

    Jaywood Press
    About this tutor book In this modern tutorial , Clare Salaman introduces the Vielle — also known as the ‘Medieval Fiddle’ — with a progressive selection of 30 easy arrangements accompanied by technical notes and pictures. The mystery of this instrument is uncovered with a light exploration into its history and is further demonstrated with live recordings of all the included pieces available on a free audio download. Introducing... Series Designed as an introduction, this series provides a solid foundation in a clear and easy-to-read format. Essential for all beginners seeking a practical start to their instrument. The Author Clare Salaman (1966-2022) was a renowned multi-instrumentalist and founder of The Society of Strange and Ancient Instruments. She lectured and directed at the Royal Academy of Music, the Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama, the Norwegian Academy of Music and the Royal College of Music.
  • Erhardt: Upon a Ground - Improvisation on Ostinato Basses (16th-18th c.)

    Edition Walhall
    A hands-on guide for use in class, in a group or alone. For all instruments. At long last, a method for improvisation in Renaissance and Baroque music that is recommended by leading musicians and teachers, including Michael Schneider and Maurice van Lishout. The book provides an excellent overview - and vividly conveys the paths to "freer" music making - that is helpful not only for specialists, but also for amateurs. “Not only does Martin Erhardt teach us how to improvise on ostinato basses in a historically informed fashion, more importantly, he offers a basic attitude towards music making, which musicians in any style and of any playing level should instantly take to heart.” Prof. Maurice van Lieshout, The Hague “Martin Erhardt’s book … is outstanding for its clear structure; it gives a good overview of common ostinato models between the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries and explains these analytically. The reader, whether layman or expert, will fi nd in these methodical and well thoughtout instructions a most welcome and easily applicable guide.” Prof. Markus Jans, Basel “Whether or not a musical idiom is fully understood—including the meaning of rules and regulations—is determined at the very latest, the moment one is faced with the task of expressing oneself ‘freely’— in other words, in an improvisation. … Fortunately, it is possible to educate oneself in this discipline as well and to methodically develop one’s expertise in the practice of improvisation. Martin Erhardt’s book, a product of his many years of practice, both as a performer and as a pedagog, is an important milestone. I strongly recommend it to anyone who is committed to the understanding of Early Music.” Prof. Michael Schneider, Frankfurt am Main
  • Tarling: The Baroque Dance 1660-1725

    A Performance Study Book for Treble and Bass Instruments designed as a supplement to “Baroque String Playing for Ingenious Learners”
  • Various: Medieval Music for Violin

    ADG Productions
    Medieval Music For Violin contains thirty-four solo pieces for Violin. Author Allan Alexander has selected a fantastic variety from Medieval times and most tunes have been extended with variations to make them a more suitable length and increase the violinist's enjoyment! Every tune in the book is also included on an accompanying CD which gives a perfect demonstration and is enjoyable in its own merit.
    Sold Out
  • Tarling: Baroque Violin Technique - a supplement for "ingenious learners"

    An example book to supplement COUCMBSP1, Baroque String Playing for Ingenious Learners
  • £8.00
  • East (ed.): Play Baroque!

    Stainer & Bell
    Adventures in Early Music for Modern Cellists
  • Toro Ram Gut String - 0.50mm

    TORO050 0.50mm varnished, ram gut string by Toro - length 120cm.
  • Boquet/ Rebours (ed.): 50 Renaissance Standards

    with Variants, Examples and Advice for Playing and Improvising on any Instrument
  • Various: Baroque Violin Anthology, Vol.1

    38 Works for Violin with Keyboard Accompaniment
  • £27.50
  • Various: Baroque Violin Anthology, Vol. 2

    The highly regarded early music specialist and violinist, Walter Reiter presents the second in a series of four volumes dedicated to violin music from the Baroque period. Featuring 29 beautiful pieces scored for violin and keyboard accompaniment, this collection includes works by well known figures such as Bach, Handel and Purcell, as well as lesser-known and rarely available pieces from a range of other composers.Suitable for students of c. 3-4 years playing experience, this book includes composer biographies and teaching notes on each piece, together with a CD recording of all works performed by Walter Reiter and Robin Bigwood.
  • Babell: 12 Sonatas for Oboe or Recorder or Violin and Basso Continuo, Vol. 4

    Sonatas 10-12: Sonata X: Eb major Sonata XI: G minor Sonata XII: C minor
  • £22.50
  • Benda: 12 Capricci for Violin Solo

    Leipzig, post 1804
  • Fontana: 6 Sonatas for Violin and Basso Continuo, Vol. 2

    also suitable for descant recorder
  • Various: Thistle & Minuet

    16 Easy Pieces from the Scottish Baroque for Violin (Flute, Oboe) and Keyboard, and optional Cello (Bassoon)
  • £7.95
  • £12.00