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Tutors & Methods

Browse tutors & method books for Early Music instruments.
  • DeGroodt: Learning to Play the Lute

    Jaywood Press
    A simple, easy-to-follow tutor book for learning the renaissance lute. Suitable for 6-8 course instruments. The perfect tutor for complete beginners!
  • Schultz: You Can Play The Harp

    Jaywood Press
    Victoria Schultz takes you through learning to play the harp in simple, easy to follow steps. The perfect harp tutor for the complete beginner!
  • Introducing...The Hurdy Gurdy: A Practical Start to the Instrument

    Jaywood Press
    About this tutor book In this modern tutorial, Clare Salaman introduces the Hurdy-Gurdy with a progressive selection of 30 easy arrangements accompanied by technical notes and pictures. The mystery of this instrument is uncovered with a light exploration into its history and is further demonstrated with live recordings of all the included pieces available on a free audio download. Introducing... Series Designed as an introduction, this series provides a solid foundation in a clear and easy-to-read format. Essential for all beginners seeking a practical start to their instrument. The Author Clare Salaman (1966-2022) was a renowned multi-instrumentalist and founder of The Society of Strange and Ancient Instruments. She lectured and directed at the Royal Academy of Music, the Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama, the Norwegian Academy of Music and the Royal College of Music.
  • 'Recorder for Beginners: The Tudor Way!' by Paul Harris (Pupil's Book)

    Jaywood Press
    Recorder for Beginners: The Tudor Way! by Paul Harris – the brand new recorder tutor from Jaywood Press. “If you’d like a method from the beginning, but really firmly in the early music tradition, then this is a very nice place to start” – Sarah Jeffery, Team Recorder "The recorder has, for centuries, been one of the world’s most popular instruments. It was born in medieval times but was extremely popular in Tudor times — King Henry VIII was a very keen player! So, in keeping with the recorder’s popularity in those times, here is a new and fun tutor set (almost entirely) in those wonderfully colourful Tudor times. It takes the recorder player from absolute beginner to about Grade 1 standard. Along this engaging journey, players will meet many characters and experiences from Tudor times and a number of works by contemporary composers (and some maybe just a little bit later, too). The book is written to be for individual, group or class teaching and for all ages. If you’re about to begin this book, I hope you’ll find it most entertaining and enjoyable and I also hope it will initiate an exciting new experience for a great number of new recorder players." – Paul Harris Click here to view the accompanying Teacher's Book. Downloadable backing tracks and demonstration recordings are included Educational Discounts! When ordering 20 or more Triebert soprano recorders, Triebert alto recorders, or 'Recorder from the Beginning: The Tudor Way' books, a 10% discount will automatically be applied to your cart. Best of all, you can mix and match as much as you like! Click here to see all items available in this offer.
  • Heyens: Advanced Recorder Technique, Vol. 1

    Advanced Recorder Technique is a must-have 2 volume collection for all recorder players! Volume 1 focusses on Finger and Tongue Technique: Finger Movements Articulation Scales / Arpeggios / Chromatic Scales Scales and Arpeggios in chromatic sequence Scales in Thirds Smooth Double Tonguing Virtuoso Technique in all Keys Broken Chords Trills Finger Vibrato (flattement) Double Tonguing with "did'll" Fingering Chart These books include musical examples for the alto (treble) recorder, but the tonguing and ornamentation techniques are for all sizes of recorder! Volume 2 on Breathing and Sound Technique
  • Baroque String Playing for Ingenious Learners by Judy Tarling

    All you ever wanted to know about performing early music, but were afraid to ask. Well, fear no more. Subtitled . . . for ingenious learners . . . . this is a landmark publication that sets out in meticulous detail the many varied skills required for playing string music from the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries. It will be required reading for amateurs and professionals alike. In a lucid and practical style, Judy Tarling has distilled 30 years of experience in playing chamber and orchestral music of the period, and her brilliantly researched book sets out all the finest points with copious quotations from dozens of historical sources. All bowed string instruments are dealt with; there is extensive information about playing basso continuo and a host of other important topics. Subjects discussed in the book: Affect, articulation, bow vibrato, bow-hold, bowings, buying Baroque equipment, the 'cello, chords, consort style, continuo instrument choice, dance, dissonance, divisions, dotted notes, double bass, double stopping, dynamics, editions, ensembles, facsimiles, figured bass, fingering choice, harmony, holding the instrument, identifying French & Italian style, inequality, intervals, messa di voce , ornamentation, pitch, position changing, publishers, range, recitative, repeats, rhetoric, rhythm, rubato, rules, scordatura, signs, slurs, speed, staccato, strings, temperament, tempo, time signatures, treatises, tuning, the viola, vibrato, violone. Musical examples by: L'Abbé le fils - Bach - Biber - Bonporti - Caccini - Castello - Cima - Corelli - Corrette - Couperin - Feuillet - Geminiani - Gibbons - Handel - Leclair - Locke - Lully - Marais - Mattheson - Matteis - Mealli - L. Mozart - Muffat - Ortiz - Piani - Playford - Purcell - Quantz - Rameau - Schmelzer - Simpson - Tartini - Walther - Westhoff - Veracini - Vivaldi - Zanetti.
  • Hauwe: The Modern Recorder Player (Volume 1)

    The Modern Recorder Player is a 3 volume collection by famous recorder teacher Walter van Hauwe. All musical examples and fingerings are for the alto (treble) recorder, but the principles and techniques are essential for playing on all recorders! Volume 1 focusses on correct posture and breathing, fingering and tongue technique. Get the complete collection with Volume 2 & Volume 3 . Volume 1 Contents: Part I: How to Hold the Recorder 1. the Right Hand 2. The Left Hand 3. The Lips 4. The Fair Distribution of the Weight Part II: How to Move the Fingers 1. The Movement Itself 2. The Right Hand 3. The Left Hand 4. The "Half-holes" 5. The Left Thumb 6. Which Fingers Do What? 7. Table of Fingerings 8. Exploring Combinations of Fingers Part III: About Breathing 1. Inhalation 2. Exhalation 3. How to Hold the Air Part IV: About Articulation 1. The consonants 2. The Position of the Tongue with Single T and D 3. double Tonguing with T and D 4. Double Tonguing with More than Two Syllables 5. Legato-Portato-Staccato 6. The Consonants K and G
  • Introducing...The Vielle: A Practical Start to the Instrument

    Jaywood Press
    About this tutor book In this modern tutorial , Clare Salaman introduces the Vielle — also known as the ‘Medieval Fiddle’ — with a progressive selection of 30 easy arrangements accompanied by technical notes and pictures. The mystery of this instrument is uncovered with a light exploration into its history and is further demonstrated with live recordings of all the included pieces available on a free audio download. Introducing... Series Designed as an introduction, this series provides a solid foundation in a clear and easy-to-read format. Essential for all beginners seeking a practical start to their instrument. The Author Clare Salaman (1966-2022) was a renowned multi-instrumentalist and founder of The Society of Strange and Ancient Instruments. She lectured and directed at the Royal Academy of Music, the Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama, the Norwegian Academy of Music and the Royal College of Music.
  • Heyens: Advanced Recorder Technique, Vol. 2

    Advanced Recorder Technique is a must-have 2 volume collection for all recorder players! Volume 2 focusses on Breathing and Sound: Physical Sensitivity Becoming Aware of Breathing Diaphragm Awareness - Breathing Exercises (without the recorder) Breathing Exercises (with the recorder) Breath Support ("flexible Tension") Exercises for Sound Vibrato Phrasing and Breathing Suggestions for Note-Shaping in Examples from the Repertoire These books include musical examples for the alto (treble) recorder, but the breathing and sound techniques are for all sizes of recorder! Volume 1 on Finger and Tongueing Technique
  • £14.99
  • Introducing...The Crumhorn: A Practical Start to the Instrument

    Jaywood Press
    About this tutor book In this modern tutorial , Clare Salaman introduces the Crumhorn with a progressive selection of 30 easy arrangements accompanied by technical notes and pictures. The mystery of this instrument is uncovered with a light exploration into its history and is further demonstrated with live recordings of all the included pieces available on a free audio download. Introducing... Series Designed as an introduction, this series provides a solid foundation in a clear and easy-to-read format. Essential for all beginners seeking a practical start to their instrument. The Author Clare Salaman (1966-2022) was a renowned multi-instrumentalist and founder of The Society of Strange and Ancient Instruments. She lectured and directed at the Royal Academy of Music, the Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama, the Norwegian Academy of Music and the Royal College of Music.
  • How To Play The Cornett by Jeremy West

    How To Play The Cornett by Jeremy West
  • Hauwe: The Modern Recorder Player (Volume 2)

    The Modern Recorder Player is a 3 volume collection by famous recorder teacher Walter van Hauwe. All musical examples and fingerings are for the alto (treble) recorder, but the principles and techniques are essential for playing on all recorders! Volume 2 focusses on scales and arpeggios, trills and articulation technique & advanced breathing and vibrato. Complete your collection with Volume 1 & Volume 3. Volume 2 Contents: Part I: About Scales and Arpeggios: Intervals Major Scales Interval Scales Minor Scales Church Modes Chromatic Scales and Other Variations Speeding Up Arpeggios Appendix for Advanced Players Part II: About Trills: The Function of Trills The Basic Movement of the Fingers How to Blow During a Trill The Measured or Chain Trill The "Rubato" Trill With or Without a Turn On or Before the Beat Alternative and Special Fingerings for Trills Trill-turn Fingerings Part III: About Vibrato: How to Produce Vibrato The Larynx Vibrato Technique The Position of the Cheeks and Lips Tempo Variations of the Vibrato Wave Vibrato Used to Suggest Dynamics Finger-Vibrato Some Practical Examples Part IV: More About Articulation: "Hidden" Articulation Articulaton as the Main Element Articulation and the Limitations of the Recorder Some Notorious Articulation Problems Some Special Early Music Articulations Articulations on Different Types of Recorder
  • Crum: The Viol Rules

    Simply the best book for beginner viol players, this ring-bound book tells you everything you need to know to get started on the viol, with numerous examples and handy tips.
  • Watts: Red Hot Recorder Tutor Book 1

    Kevin Mayhew
    A fun, accessible recorder tutor for primary school pupils.
  • Hauwe: The Modern Recorder Player (Volume 3)

    The Modern Recorder Player is a 3 volume collection by famous recorder teacher Walter van Hauwe. All musical examples and fingerings are for the alto (treble) recorder, but the principles and techniques are essential for playing on all recorders! Volume 2 focusses on the fingers and alternative fingerings, further breathing technique & extended techniques. Complete your collection with Volume 1 & Volume 2 .
  • £20.99
  • Crum (ed.): First Solos for Tenor Viol

    55 short pieces from the Renaissance and Baroque for tenor viol beginners, selected and prefaced by Alison Crum. A reprint (with some additional new material) of the original OUP edition of Crum's essential work for beginner's technique on the viol. The must-have collection for anyone learning the viol! .
  • Treble Recorder from the Beginning (Book & CD)

    Chester Music
    A full-colour revised edition of John Pitt's Treble Recorder from the beginning. This book includes a play-along CD. From the beginning is one of the most popular music tutor series. Accessible for both pupils and teachers alike!
  • Damiani: Method for Renaissance Lute

    Ut Orpheus Edition
    This manual is a guide to the study of the Renaissance lute, taking the student on a step-by-step journey through technical matters and exercises of increasing difficulty. It is aimed at both the beginner and those who would like to improve their own technique. Special attention has been given to those who have specialized in guitar, so where necessary some important differences between the techniques of the two instruments have been underlined. All the material has been set out following a rational approach to the various challenges. To this end I thought it useful to write many of the exercises myself, especially those at the beginning of the course. I hope to guide the student from the technical basics to a level sufficient for playing music of intermediate difficulty. Of course, any material regarding technique will help the student progress to higher levels. The main areas covered are: hand positions, according to Renaissance practice; study of appropriate sonority; development of contrapuntal sensitivity; idiomatic techniques; introduction to the different Renaissance musical forms; recognition of different interrelational forms.
  • Poulton: A Tutor for the Renaissance Lute

    A tutor for the complete beginner to the advanced student of the renaissance lute. Contents: The Instrument Stringing Tuning Some practical advice on tuning Tablature Holding the Lute The right hand The left hand The diapasons Italian tablature The nexachord Spanish music and the bihuela More about Spanish music Questions Scales The use of graces in Renaissance lute music The performing of graces Graces in English sources Intabulations of polyphonic vocal music The interpretation of signs in the French air de cour The "half" barré German tablature Cifra nueva The ten-course lute List of Sources and Modern Editions
  • £9.50