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Fourth & Sixth Flutes

Fourth and Sixth Flutes are effectively soprano recorders in Bb and D. They were common during the baroque period and both have a different quality to the soprano/descant recorder. Though not as widely used today, these recorders can be used as transposing instruments.
  • Küng Folklora Soprano Recorder in Bb

    Küng Folklora Soprano Recorder in Bb This Folklora soprano recorder from Küng, is a special recorder for everyone wanting to play with an instrument tuned in Bb. This recorder is made from pearwood and has earthy sound-tones. As a recorder in Bb it has many different uses: A fourth flute (in modern pitch) Play along with Bb transposing instruments (like the clarinet) Swiss folk music
  • Küng Folklora Soprano Recorder in Bb in Palisander

    This Folklora soprano recorder from Küng, is a special recorder for everyone wanting to play with an instrument tuned in Bb. It is made of palisander and has earthy, deep and string sound-tones. As a recorder in Bb it has many different uses: A fourth flute (in modern pitch) Play along with Bb transposing instruments (like the clarinet) Folk music Listen to this recorder! Van Eyck Nightingale: Your browser does not support the audio element. Playford King of Poland: Your browser does not support the audio element. Scale: Your browser does not support the audio element.
  • von Huene 'Stanesby Jr' Sixth Flute (a415)

    Von Huene
    The "sixth flute", or soprano recorder in d, was a very popular instrument in eighteenth-century England, used extensively in concertos and solo works by various composers, such as Woodcock and Baston. This von Huene a=415 sixth flute follows an original which changed hands between Edgar Hunt and Frans Brüggen, and is made from turned boxwood.