Bach for Guitar - arr. Hegel
The advantages of Bach's music are that it is universal and to a certain extent independent of the instruments for which it was composed. His music is structured in such a brilliant and clear manner that it sounds good on any instrument. These compositions by Johann Sebastian Bach definitely are some of his best-known works and very popular. Therefore, also guitarists will certainly appreciate to be able to play this magnificent music on their instrument. All pieces are easy to play on the guitar and a valuable addition to the teaching and concert repertoire.
Prélude (Suite No. 1 für Cello BWV 1007)
Badinerie (Suite No. 2 für Orchester BWV 1067)
Aria (Goldberg-Variationen BWV 988)
Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring BWV 147
Sinfonia (Ich steh mit einem Fuß im Grabe BWV 156)
Toccata für Orgel BWV 565
Inventio No. 1 BWV 772
Praeludium (Wohltemperiertes Klavier I BWV 846)
Air (Suite No. 3 für Orchester BWV 1068)
Bourrée I (Suite No. 3 für Cello BWV 1009)
Sarabande (Suite No. 6 für Cello BWV 1012)
Aria "So oft ich meine Tobackspfeife" (from Notenbüchlein für Anna Magdalena Bach BWV 5151b)
Menuet (from Notenbüchlein für Anna Magdalena Bach BWV Anh. 114)
Aria "Bist du bei mir (from Notenbüchlein für Anna Magdalena Bach BWV 508)
Menuet (from Notenbüchlein für Anna Magdalena Bach BWV Anh. 115)
Marche (from Notenbüchlein für Anna Magdalena Bach BWV Anh. 122)
Aria "Gedenke doch, mein Geist, zurücke" (from Notenbüchlein für Anna Magdalena Bach BWV 509)
Musette (from Notenbüchlein für Anna Magdalena Bach BWV Anh. 126)
Adagio (Concerto III BWV 974)
Praeludium XXI (Wohltemperiertes Klavier I BWV 866)
In dulci jubilo (Chorale prelude BWV 751)
Bourrée (Suite für Laute BWV 996)
Gavotte I (Suite No. 6 für Cello BWV 1012)
Praeludium No. 2 (Sechs kleine Präludien BWV 934)
Tempo di Bourrée (Partita für Violine BWV 1002)
Praelude pour la luth BWV 999
Andante (Sonate für Violine BWV 1003)