Recorder31 Finale! | A Mega Video Playlist
Well, folks, that's almost it! We've reached the end of another Recorder31 and it's time to look back on the month with a video playlist with performances from some of our friends and contributors...
What a month it's been: from interviews with Robert Ehrlich, Mary-Jannet Leith and the SRP/Moeck Competition Finalists, to guest blogs and videos from Paul Harris, Otto Hashmi, The Recorder Magazine, Lizzie Knatt, Tabea Debus and our very own Chris Butler. We hope you've found something enjoyable, informative and exciting amongst the posts... and maybe it has inspired your next instrument purchase!
You can relive the entire month's content by visiting the Recorder31 blog here!
We're playing out with a load of great music from contributors to Recorder31 2023... happy listening!
Online Recorder Consort with Otto Hashmi – Disco Takeover! (feat. Sarah Jeffery)
The online recorder consort ‘Disco Takeover’ by Otto Hashmi brings together recorder players from over 35 countries, from absolute beginners to name professionals, celebrating how our instrument has formed a vast community across the world. Featuring Sarah Jeffrey of Team Recorder as a soloist, players are visualised as computer pop-ups, with more and more players joining the party until a system overload requires a call out to the eCorder tech team. The issue is passed on to bass support, featuring Claudia Krämer on the Subsubcontrabass recorder, before all players return as a mass consort.
Read more about the project by clicking here.
Otto would like to say a special thank you to Jo Kunath for help with finding the big basses, Michael Shonle with the eCorder, and Anastasia Pettinato who features on drums.
Sarah Jeffery – The Wellerman Variations
Following her excellent video on modern alto recorders which premiered yesterday, we hear more from the brilliant Sarah Jeffery. Taken from the launch concert of her recent book My Favourite Melodies, here's Sarah playing her own variations on the popular shanty The Wellerman. We love how this arrangement grows and develops into a virtuosic display of Sarah's talent. Watch out for a new edition of this piece coming later this year scored for both soprano and alto recorder...!
Robert Ehrlich - Corelli Op 5 No. 4, 1st movement
We were delighted to hear from Robert Ehrlich in a fantastic interview about his recent publication 'The Recorder' with Yale University Press, co-authored with David Lasocki. He has kindly given us permission to share this unseen clip from a rehearsal for his 'Sunday at Six' concert in Cardiff earlier this year, performing some beautiful Corelli with Andrew Wilson-Dickson (harpsichord) and Lucy Robinson (viola da gamba). Find out more about the 'Sunday at Six' concert series by clicking here.
Ensemble Hesperi – The Anenome
At the start of the month we were thrilled to feature an interview with Mary-Jannet Leith, recorder player with Ensemble Hesperi, whose brilliant 'Full Of The Highland Humours' was this month's featured album. Here the group continue their theme of Scottish Baroque music by presenting a lovely interpretation of 'The Anenome' from James Oswald's Airs for the Spring, recorded live in concert by the City Music Foundation.
The Royal Wind Music – Del Rosal Sale La Rosa
Earlier this year we were very pleased to feature the new album by our good friends in The Royal Wind Music, a musical tour around the cathedral of Seville entitled The Orange Tree Courtyard. As part of the month's feature they gave us this brilliant video to premiere, where they perform a track from the album by the 16th century Spanish composer Juan Vasquéz. We couldn't resist sharing it with you again!
The Finn Collinson Band – Big Smoke
Here's a new video of folk recorder player Finn Collinson recorded live in concert in Blaxhall, Suffolk, earlier this year. It features his band Archie Churchill-Moss (guitar) and Evan Carson (bodhrán) and they perform a track from their latest album The Threshold, which was released in 2022. Customers of The Early Music Shop may recognise Finn as one of our recorder specialists and he has been excited to curate much of the material you've read during this year's Recorder31. (This means he's also currently writing about himself in the third person. He says this feels odd.)
Rico Capucho – A Gigg
Rico was the winner of our Creativity Challenge right at the very start of Recorder31. He's kindly allowed us to share the performance with you – a great rendition which takes the original melody from William Byrd somewhere very unexpected and exciting! Along with Rico on recorders, the video features Thiago di Fonzo on guitar. Congratulations to Rico for winning the competition!
Lina Brinkmann – Telemann Fantasia No. 3
Congratulations also to Lina Brinkmann who was the winner of our Telemann Fantasia competition. Lina recorded this atmospheric interpretation of the first movement of Fantasia No. 3 in the beautiful surroundings of this church in Leipzig.
Erik Bosgraaf – Pavane de Spanje
We were thrilled to hear from Erik Bosgraaf who will be performing at the London International Festival of Early Music in November. Here he performs some music by Pieter de Vois (1580/81–1654), the blind organist and carillonist of the St.-Jacobskerk in The Hague. Tickets for Erik's concert in London are available from the LIFEM website here.
That's it for another Recorder31!
We'd like to say a huge EMS thank you to everyone who's contributed, all our customers for their ongoing support and brilliant competition entries, and all our brilliant recorder-making friends for their great instruments (and prize contributions). Very best wishes from the R31 team: Finn, Alfie, Karen, Chris, Peter & Ann!
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