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Recorder31 Day 29 | The Big Recorder31 Round-Up!

Recorder31 Day 29 | The Big Recorder31 Round-Up!

We're reaching the end of this year's Recorder31, and to celebrate, here's a collection of highlights from across our recorder catalogue, all with exclusive discounts for 48 hours only! These savings won't be hanging around, so now's your chance: continue your recorder journey with a new instrument today...

Recorder31 Day 29 The Big Recorder31 Round-Up

From entry-level plastic sopranos to the highest-level specialist instruments, there's a recorder for everyone in this collection! It's a true cross-section of our catalogue to suit all players from beginners to professionals.

And with our first-rate team of recorder specialists on hand, with decades of experience helping players find their perfect instrument, a recorder purchase from The Early Music Shop is sure to be a safe one. 

Save only until 23:59PT on Thursday 31 August 2023.

Click here to explore the collection!

As always, please do not hesitate to contact us to find out more about any of our instruments.

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