2019 Exhibition and Concert Venue Access Information
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2019 Exhibition and Concert Venue Access Information

All venues at the 2019 London International Festival of Early Music are fully accessible. For further information and guidance please contact us.

Blackheath Halls
23 Lee Road, Blackheath, London SE3 9RQ
Click Here for Web Site and map

All public areas at Blackheath Halls are fully accessible, with lift access to the first floor venue. We advise anybody with specific needs to advise of their visit in advance where possible and to introduce themselves to the Duty Manager upon arrival to ensure a smooth and positive experience. Telephone: 0208 318 9758

Customers are welcome to drop off individuals with access requirements at the venue and then make their way to a car parking space. There are some disabled parking bays on Lee Terrace and Lee Park Road. If these are full, the nearest parking spaces are located in the car park at the back of Blackheath Station or in the small car park near the Post Office. Please allow plenty of time for parking.

All Saints Church
All Saints Dr, Blackheath, London SE3 0TY

Click Here for Web Site and map
All Saint's Church is a 5 minute walk from Blackheath Halls

There is parking for visitors with a blue badge permit. There are single yellow lines outside the front on both sides, which rarely have more than one car on them. There is full access through the North Porch where there is also an accessible toilet. There is a ramp leading to the front door but the lintel may not be suitable for larger scooters.

St Michael & All Angels Church
2 Pond Rd, Blackheath, London SE3 9JL

Click Here for Web Site and map
St Michael and All Angels Church is a 3 minute walk from Blackheath Hall

There is a marked disabled parking bay at the beginning of Pond Road, immediately next to the Pond Road church gate and path, which lead directly into church.There is a sloped pathway with a handrail on the north side of church and a wooden ramp in the north porch leading directly into church. The accessible toilet is in the church hall.

