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Recorder31 Day 15 | Competition: Collaboration Challenge!

Recorder31 Day 15 | Competition: Collaboration Challenge!

It's Tuesday, which at Recorder31 can only mean one thing: it's competition time! This week we have a slightly different challenge to set for you...

Collaboration Challenge!

We love to see the recorder used in all sorts of musical contexts, whether that be historically-informed early music, or radical experimental contemporary music (or anything in between!). So today's challenge is all about collaborating with other musicians and artists to feature the recorder in exciting musical settings.

We want to see you collaborate with a friend (or friends!) on a video. You choose the music, and it doesn't matter which instrument(s) or discipline your collaborator(s) use. So long as there's at least one recorder featured, you're welcome to enter!

The winning video will be awarded TWO £50 GBP gift cards for The Early Music Shop: one for you, and one for your collaborator(s).

Entries close at 12pm BST next Monday 21 August. We can't wait to see how you all use your recorders!


The Sound of Recorder Music!

Each day this month we're highlighting an audio clip of a recorder from our extensive range. Yamaha's 402B "Ecodear" Soprano is a special instrument owing to its manufacture from plant-based “Ecodear” plastic, which produces a mellow, centered tone that is similar to that of wooden recorders. Listen to the clips below or follow this link to find out more about this instrument.


Van Eyck Nightingale:

Sammartini Allegro:



Competition Terms & Conditions:

  • Entries must be submitted by midday (BST) on Monday 21 August 2023.
  • Winning entries may be shared by The Early Music Shop on social media and online at
  • The prize gift cards are available to one entrant only, and are not able to be exchanged for any cash alternative or replacement prize. There are only two gift cards worth £50GBP each, which are intended to be split between the entrant and their collaborator(s).
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