Recorder31 - Day 11
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Recorder31 - Day 11

Recorder31 - Day 11

Here is a throw back to the first of our Early Music @ 1 performances - some beautiful medieval recorder music performed by Fiona Kizzie Lee. Some of you might recognise Fiona as we were very lucky to have her work with us in the London shop a few years ago!

The pieces featured in the video are "Douce Dame Jolie" by Guillaume Machaut (c. 1300-1377), "Salterello I" by Anonymous, from the Medieval Tuscan Manuscript GB-Lbl Add. Ms. 29987 and "O rosa bella" by John Bedyngham ( †1459/60). 


Fiona is currently studying for a second master’s degree specialising in Renaissance Music at Schola Cantorum Basiliensis in the class of Corina Marti. She plays the recorder and medieval keyboards in groups such as La Fiamma and L’Artiste.
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