Day 2 | Recorder31
The Society of Recorder Players, the SRP, is a fantastic charity organisation promoting and supporting recorder playing in the UK. It was founded over eighty years ago and has membership of over 1,400 players making it one of the largest recorder societies in the world. The SRP has a network of branches who offering playing opportunities to players of all abilities, it champions the recorder by commissioning new compositions, it supports young players with grants and awards and does much, much more!
Each year the SRP's annual festival is hosted by a different branch, though the last two have unfortunately been cancelled due to Covid. We caught up with Moira Usher from the Suffolk SRP branch as, not only are they hosting the festival next year, it's where our newly opened Snape store is!
All information about the SRP, the 2022 festival and the Walter Bergmann Fund can be found on their website at
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