Recorder31 Day 6 | Recorder Playlist
Time for some music on a Sunday afternoon? Recorder31 has you covered!
Discover the wide-ranging possibilities of the recorder with this genre-spanning playlist, curated especially for this year's Recorder31. Featuring plenty of early music, but also flavours of traditional folk, electronic pop, and contemporary classical, there's something for everyone here!
Best of all, almost half of the pieces featured are new tracks, released in the year since the last Recorder31!
Stream the playlist on Spotify here:
What have we missed?! Tell us which recorder music you're loving at the moment, and perhaps we'll keep adding to the playlist as the month goes on...!
Don't forget, we have deals on sopranos and smaller this weekend - visit the collection to explore the one-time deals which end tonight at 23:59PT!

The Sound of Recorder Music!
Each day this month we're highlighting an audio clip of a recorder from our extensive range. This weekend we're showcasing sopranos and smaller, so have a listen to this sweet-sounding Renaissance Garklein in maple by Kobliczek. Listen to the clips below or follow this link to find out more about this instrument.
Holborne Wanton:
Dowland Can She Excuse My Wrongs:
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