Recorder31 Day 10 | Woodhouse Recorder Course
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Recorder31 Day 10 | Woodhouse Recorder Course

Recorder31 Day 10 | Woodhouse Recorder Course

Recorder31 is not a purely online event for The Early Music Shop, as it's also one of our busiest months of the year for our travelling pop-up shop. This week, we're at two recorder courses: the Recorder Summer School in Yorkshire, and the Woodhouse Recorder Course in Birmingham.
Recorder31 Day 10 Woodhouse Recorder Course

Today's Recorder31 treat is a journey behind the scenes into the Woodhouse Recorder Course. Join us on our Instagram page as we highlight elements of the course, which reaches its final day today, and perhaps even

Follow the action on our Instagram story by clicking here!

Not on Instagram? Here's a video which course leader Annabel Knight put together for Recorder31 last year, which tells you a little more about the course and its background...


The Sound of Recorder Music

The Sound of Recorder Music!

Each day this month we're highlighting an audio clip of a recorder from our extensive range. From the best-selling Rottenburgh range, explore the rounded tones of this Moeck alto in boxwood. Listen to the clips below or follow this link to find out more about this high-quality alto recorder.

Moeck alto in boxwood

Vivaldi La Notte:

Bach Sarabande:


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