Funding an Instrument
Walter Bergmann Fund
A charitable trust whose principal object is to help young professional musicians (under the age of 36) to purchase high-quality instruments, appropriate to their careers. Both grants for up to a third of an instrument’s cost, and low-interest loans, are offered on application.
Awards for Young Musicians
Universal Music UK Sound Foundation
Grants of up to £1,500 are offered to individuals in full time education to fund musical instrument/equipment purchase. Schools may also apply to fund music education in the form of instruments and equipment.
Decca Bursary
Decca Records is the biggest classical record label in the UK. The Bursary scheme provides grants to children in state education at the very beginning of their classical musical journey, and supports schools to buy new classical instruments to help as many children as possible to have the chance to learn.
Future Talent
Take It Away Scheme
We also have interest-free loans available through the Take It Away scheme. Loans of between £100 and £5,000 are available to over 18s who are buying an instrument for a child, or to 18-25 year olds who are buying an instrument for themselves or someone else.
Please contact us for further information or advice relating to funding, or purchasing your new instrument through one of the above schemes.